Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Boston Tea Party National Committee Approves Resolution in Support of “Honest Money”

For Immediate Release

December 2, 2009
Boston Tea Party National Committee has approved a resolution in support of “Honest Money” by a vote of 5-0 with 2 not voting.

Darryl W. Perry, At-Large Representative to the National Committee, proposed the resolution, which reads:

Whereas, the currency of the United States of America is fiat and not commodity based, and

Whereas, Article 1 Section 10 of the US Constitution states "No State shall...make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts", and Whereas, the legal tender law forces the use of a fiat currency, and

Whereas, fiat currency is the cause of inflation,

Be it resolved, The Boston Tea Party National Committee calls upon Congress to introduce and pass;

The "Honest Money Act" that would repeal the legal tender law;

The "Free Competition in Currency Act" that would repeal the government monopoly over the creation of coins for use as currency;

The "Tax-Free Gold Act" that would prohibit federal and state taxes on precious metal coins and bullion.

Perry wrote, “The quickest way to return to a commodity based system is to find businesses that will allow you to barter, and eschew the “system” altogether. The next best thing would be for Congress to pass the "Honest Money Act" that would repeal the legal tender law; the "Free Competition in Currency Act" that would repeal the government monopoly over the creation of coins for use as currency; & the "Tax-Free Gold Act" that would prohibit federal and state taxes on precious metal coins and bullion.”

Party Chair Doug Gaking states, "The Federal Reserve system is shrouded in secrecy and protected from accountability, and worst of all it is a monopoly enforced by our federal government. They secretly print money as they please and manipulate the economy in various ways, while the average American is confused and frustrated about why prices are fluctuating and the economy is in total chaos. The entire world economy is dependent on the product of these lies and secrets. The manipulations allowed by this system create artificial bubbles and make for an unnatural and therefore unbalanced economy. If money is freed by the passing of these two proposed acts of Congress, we will see a stabilized economy with exciting new opportunities for Americans."

Since October 2008, the Boston Tea Party National Committee has passed resolutions opposing the “banker bailout” and “stimulus” package, as well as a resolution in support of repudiating the National Debt and another in support of HR833, Ron Paul's "Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act."

Perry adds, “Anything less than a 100% commodity based currency is a fraud. This includes the use of fractional reserve banking...Money isn't a worthless piece of paper; currency can be...with a fiat currency, there is no reason at all to trust the banking system, or the currency.”

The Boston Tea Party was founded in 2006 with a one sentence platform, “The Boston Tea Party supports reducing the size, scope and power of government at all levels and on all issues, and opposes increasing the size, scope and power of government at any level, for any purpose.” In October 2008, the party's National Convention adopted the four point program of the Campaign for Liberty. Their program calls for an end to overseas occupation, a restoration of privacy and other liberties, no increase in the national debt, and a thorough review of the Federal Reserve.